[DANGER!] Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?
So, your dog just ate chicken bones and you're afraid something bad is going to happen to them? Either that or you're just curious...
Can Dogs Have Eggs?
Eggs (especially scrambled eggs) are one of the most popular breakfast meals for many many people around the world. (Eggs and bacon for breakfast, anyone?)But,...
Can Dogs Eat Cat Food? Or Is Cat Food Bad For Dogs?
If you have dogs and cats living in your house under the same roof, it's very possible that you've once asked yourself the question...
Can Dogs Eat Ham? And Can Dogs Eat Ham Bones?
It's holiday season, and what season would that be without ham and turkey on the table? Everyone knows that come Thanksgiving and Christmas time, ham...
Can Dogs Eat Quinoa?
With the recent surge and trend of people resorting to eating quinoa because of the healthy profile it boasts as one of the best and...
Pork And Pork Bones For Dogs: Safe Or Dangerous?
Pigs are nice creatures and all, but we're not here today to talk about raising them, we're here to talk about eating them! I don't...
Can Dogs Eat Pig Ears? Or Are Pig Ears For Dogs Bad?
Pig ears are an element of cuisine that decorate plates from Portugal, Africa, Thailand, and Bulgaria to China. And they're exactly what they sound...
Tofu For Dogs: Good Or Bad?
If you happen to live by the vegan lifestyle and are a pet owner yourself, then chances are you've wondered about the possibility of...
Can Dogs Eat Peanuts? And Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?
When it comes to your dog eating nuts, this is one of the most important and delicate subjects you can come across. A lot...
Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Or Is Turkey Bad For Dogs?
Come Thanksgiving time, we all love to gather round the table with turkey being served to everybody. And, every dog owner knows that during holidays...