Since we tend to talk about the Pit Bull dog breed quite a lot on this website, mainly because we believe they are one of the most misunderstood and wrongfully slammed dog breeds out there, we thought it would be quite fitting to write about the Brindle Pitbull in this article.
As you’ll be discovering in a few minutes, the only thing that sets a Brindle Pitbull apart from other Pitbulls is its coat.
Other than that, and were it not for its unique, distinctive coat, the Brindle Pitbull would have been just another Pitbull without any other differences.
Brindle Pitbull Appearance
The only thing that sets the Bindle Pitbull apart from the other Pitbull breeds most is the fact that it doesn’t have a unified coat color, it instead has a coat that comes in multiple colors.
Most of the times, the Brindle Pitbull’s coat will come in light brown color with a few black tiger-like stripes in between some parts, while other Brindle Pitbulls come with an entirely brindle coat with no stripes.
So, besides the coat, the Brindle Pitbull isn’t as rare to find or as special as some dog breeders out there want you to think with the way they market this dog to you.
Sure, they are special just like any other dog, but the fact is that had it not been for their unique coat, they’re just another Pitbull!
So please, don’t be bait for the hype of some breeder who just wants to make a boatload of money from you.
Brindle Pitbull Temperament
Since the coat color of the Brindle Pitbull in no way, shape or form makes it any different than any other Pitbull dog, the temperament, personality and characteristics of the Brindle Pitbull is the same as any other American Pit bull Terrier.
To remind you what their temperament, personality and characteristic traits are like, here are a few pointers you have to keep in mind.
When training a Brindle Pitbull, you have to keep in mind that they are strong dogs with a strong personality to them, which means you’re going to have to approach training in a different mindset.
You won’t find recommendations from us here about going all alpha-male and dominant on your dog and physically incurring pain on their bodies, because we simply believe that these methods achieve very negative results.
You just have to know that the stronger the Brindle Pitbull senses that your mindset is, the stronger they sense your personality it, the more firm they see you during training and the more consistent you are with what you do in training, the more the Brindle Pitbull will respect you and the better your results in training will be.
The less your Brindle Pitbull senses that you’re any/all of the aforementioned, the more stubborn they will become during training and the less impressive your results to show for will be.
See? Not a single mention of scolding, spanking, hitting, pinning or whatever else nonsense that’s being thrown around on the internet nowadays was mentioned here.
Pit bulls are one of the most physically active and exercise-loving dogs ever known to mankind, and the Brindle Pitbull is no different at all.
The physical endurance the Brindle Pitbull possesses is one of the most impressive endurance levels among all Pitbull breeds, so you can expect to have an athletic fella between your hands if you have one at home.
If Brindle Pitbulls aren’t given the necessary amounts of exercise they needs during the day, they will:
– Become miserable & unhappy dogs
– Will start to develop serious aggressive behavior in order to let out the extra energy inside them such as destructive chewing, excessive barking and digging.
This, added to the fact that they have one of the strongest and most muscular bodies among all dog breeds, could lead to a serious situation.
Working Dogs
The Brindle Pitbull is an excellent and very capable dog when it comes to working tasks, such as police tasks, search and rescue, military tasks, etc ..
Why Pitbulls Get A Bad Rep
Pit Bulls have a very bad reputation among the dog owner community because they’re deemed to be “aggressive, harmful and very dangerous” dogs by many people.
However, most of this stereotype dates back to the old times where Pit Bulls were heavily engaged, by sick-minded people, in blood sports such as fighting one another where the owner of the winner fighter gets a monetary reward.
Add all of that to the fact that Pit Bulls are born with fairly strong and muscular bodies that are intimidating as is, it’s no wonder they have such a negative reputation to them.
When properly trained and socialized, all Pitbull dog breeds can be some of the most loyal, affectionate and playful dogs you’ve ever met.
It’s only ever a problem when the Pitbull being talked about wasn’t properly trained nor socialized, and it feels it’s being threatened by someone or another animal, which is won’t hesitate to attack.
Brindle Pitbull Care
When it comes to shedding, the Brindle Pitbull is a low-moderate shedder that has a fairly short and smooth coat.
Since Brindle Pitbulls are not excessive shedders, you can perfectly get by with brushing their coats once every 2 days with a bristled brush.
No need to go crazy with brushing their coats like you would with other dog breeds that are excessive shedders.
Where Can I Find A Brindle Pitbull?
If you’re looking to bring a Brindle Pitbull home, a much better choice than doing business with a dog breeder that’ll charge you 10x more than you actually should be paying is visiting a local Pitbull rescue shelter and asking whether they’ve got a Brindle Pitbull or not.
Besides, keep in mind that any dog breeder that tells you that a Brindle Pitbull is a unique breed of its own is plain out lying and you should stop doing business with them right then and there.
Anyways, there are surely some ethical and professional dog breeders out there that will only be giving you the real deal and won’t be cheating you out on your money, but shouldn’t helping out a rescue be the top priority on the list?
I just got a brindle pitbull for a pet . My son has wanted a dog for a while. I am growing close to the dog. He is 9 mo old. Any one that has advice, training tips, or methods that you have tried , id love to hear from you on Facebook, @
Hi Tanya! I have always had pitbulls. When I’m training my babies I use hand signals. And instead of saying No! Say wrong! It has been told to me that if I use the word No! It makes them go and do other stuff that they shouldn’t do. But if you say wrong! They know they aren’t suppose to do that at all. I’m glad you got your self a brindle pit. I have 2 a female and male and they are family to me and the wife.
Hi! I am getting a brown brittle red nose pitbull! She’s 11 weeks old! I want to know everything I need to know about pitbull from someone who owns one plesse! How much excersice should be done etc!
Hello. My husband and I adopted a female Brindle Pitbull. She is sweet but walking her is very challenging. She pulls and when she sees other dogs she becomes very excited as if she wants to play. She is 2. What type of leash do you recommend for walking her during training? We tried yummy treats but she is more focused on other dogs and people than the treat itself. She does not even look at us when trying to bring her attention back. Thanks
Use a prong collar! I work with a pittie only shelter and have adopted a beautiful brindle named Maddie. She weighs 53 pounds (up from 38 when found). I would be injured quite badly if I didn’t use the prong collar. I had a trainer come out to show me the best way to walk her. I use a two handled leash and the prong collar keeps her under control. It gives a pinch if she pulls. Maddie also did not look at me when I first walked her. The trainer told me to stop every so often and give Maddie a treat during the walk, also tell her “good girl” when she looked up for the treat. The leash has 2 loops for handles. The one closest to the collar is the one I hold onto when I see people or other dogs. I t keeps Maddie right by my side and under control. She may bark, but she can’t lunge at the other dogs. I use the other loop for walks when it is just me and my beautiful girl. The vet said prong collars don’t maim and keep owners and dogs safer.
I had a brindle PitWeiler named Tink ( erbelle) RIP
raised her from 6 days old
Best dog EVER
Funny and character like you wouldn’t believe
I used her “crate/bed” as discipline and only for a few mins and only had to use it a few times to get her inline after a few time outs if she was misbehaving all I had to say was
Do ya wanna go to bed ?
And she stopped whatever she wasn’t supposed to be doing LOL
she wasn’t an excessive chewer
Only ever destroyed 2 toys and that’s cus they were hot dogs lol she LOVED hotdogs
If I wanted her RIGHT NOW from out in the field
All I had to yell out the door was hotdog and she came full tilt
I used hand signals and finger snaps and only collar I ever used was a training collar and if she pulled I gave it a yank said Don’t pull and that was it and after training was done she wore a harness when we went out
She was MY BABY
Full fledged family member and i believe it showed and why she trained so easily
She had a couple days of food aggression because the cat was being a dick and tormented her by eating her food so I hand fed her and didn’t let her rub away with her treats and pet her told she was a good girl while she ate them and that was it
I just adopted a 2yr.old female brindle for my kids can somebody give me some type of feed back on this type of dog please