Is Turmeric Good For Dogs? Is it Safe For Dogs?

Turmeric is a yellow/dark orange powder that’s widely used in many different parts of the world in cooking, most common of which are countries of the Middle East and South Asia.

One of the most popular dishes curry uses turmeric as an integral part, which you all have surely heard at least once.

Turmeric is also used in dyes and as herbal medicine that is extremely beneficial to the body.  Benefits of Turmeric for people are well known.

But, what about our furry friends? Can they have some of this wonder-food?

Is Turmeric Safe For Dogs?

YES, dogs can have Turmeric, and it’s completely safe for them!

In fact, Turmeric can even be incredibly beneficial to your dog.

How Much Turmeric Can Dogs Eat?

The most commonly recommended dosage of turmeric for dogs is 15-20 mg for each pound of their body weight.

This usually amounts to anywhere from 1/8 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric a day, depending on how big your dog actually is. Larger dogs will have the capability to properly process more Turmeric in their systems, while smaller sized dogs will need to stick to the lower side of the dosage spectrum.

Ideally, you don’t want to give your dog their daily dosage of Turmeric all at once, you’ll want to split their daily dosage into 2 meals, as that increases their chances of benefiting from Turmeric’s wonders.

If you’re just starting out to feed your dog Turmeric, start out with the smallest dose possible (usually 1/8 teaspoon a day) and slowly work your way up to the recommended dosage based on your dog’s size over a period of 2-3 weeks.

If your dog shows some unusual signs such as diarrhea or stomach upset, you should lower the dosage of Turmeric you’re feeding them, as obviously your dog isn’t coping well with the dosage you’re starting out with, or stop it all together if you can’t go any lower.

How Can Dogs Eat Turmeric?

The most important thing you must always remember is that your dog needs to drink a lot of water along with the Turmeric they’re eating, so they don’t get constipated.

Given the binding nature of Turmeric, your dog will get constipated 100% if they don’t drink ample amounts of water with it, so don’t take the risk.

You can feed your dog Turmeric in its most simplest form, powder.

You can sprinkle some on top of one of your dog’s meals, or include some in a recipe you’re following for one of Fido’s favorite foods.

The best Turmeric you can ever feed your dog is organic turmeric, as other kinds of Turmeric are usually lower quality and come with things you don’t want near your dog such as pesticides.

Why Is Turmeric Good For Dogs?

Here are some of the most important reasons why Turmeric is good for dogs:

– Curcumin: Turmeric contains a bio-active compound called Curcumin (which is the reason Turmeric has an orange color), that has numerous healing properties and offers a huge amount of health benefits.

One of the main benefits Curcumin can offer your dog is pain relief, which is excellent if your canine suffers from something like rheumatoid arthritis.

– Detox: Turmeric is used to detoxify the body and purify the blood from all wastes that don’t need to be there

– Improves liver function: By stimulating the production of bile in the liver (which improves fat digestion) and removing toxins from it.

– Healing: By applying Turmeric to wounds, it helps disinfect, clean and fasten their healing process. Some studies even suggest that you mix some Turmeric with honey and apply it to your dog’s wound for maximum benefit.

– Infections: Helps fight against infections, such as ringworm

– Stomach problems: An excellent natural medicine that fights against diarrhea and other stomach problems, such as gas and bloating

– Anti-Inflamattory: Is excellent in fighting diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis in dogs. The Curcumin in turmeric is a very powerful antioxidant that helps stop free radicals in the body from causing inflammation and damage to your dog’s joints.

– Heart health: Turmeric helps fight against blood clots and excess cholesterol levels in the blood, both of which lead to improved heart health. Blood clots can lead to all sorts of disasters, most dangerously of which are strokes and heart attacks.

– Epilepsy: Turmeric is known to help treat epilepsy patients

– Treat allergies

– Help cure depression

– Memory loss: Many studies have related the consumption of Turmeric with decreased memory loss

When Is Turmeric Bad For Dogs?

Despite the very impressive benefits Turmeric can give your dog, there are always times that Turmeric can actually be harmful for your furry friend.

Before proceeding to give your dog Turmeric for the first time, you should make sure your dog can actually eat some of it safely.

And, besides reading this list of situations where Turmeric becomes bad for dogs, it’s best you consult with your veterinarian for 100% reassurance.

– Pre-existing medical conditions: Dogs prone to have pre-existing medical conditions, such as kidney stones or liver disease, should not eat turmeric since it can worsen the situation.

– On medication: Turmeric is known to cause conflicting problems if taken along some medication, such as medication for diabetes, blood thinners or just a good old aspirin, which is why you should ask your veterinarian first if your dog can have Turmeric with whatever medication they are on.

– When pregnant

– Planned surgery: Consult your Vet



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