Rottweiler Vs Doberman – (What’s The Difference?)

Besides the fact that both the Rottweiler and the Doberman Pinscher (also respectively known as the Rottie and the Dobbie) are purebred dogs that originate from Germany, have coats that greatly look alike and make it difficult for many people to tell apart from one another, is there anything else in common between these two purebreds? Or is it all differences from there on?

This article will be covering all the similarities between these two breeds, the differences you should know about and will aim to make it crystal clear which one you’re more compatible with by the time you finish reading.

Physical Appearance

Size, Height & Weight

Both Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers are considered to be large breeds, but Rottweilers are a little bit larger in size when the two are compared to one another.

On average, Doberman Pinschers stand at a height of anywhere between 25 inches to 27 inches tall, while Rottweilers stand at a slightly shorter height of anywhere between 24 inches to 26 inches tall.

When it comes to weight, though, the Rottweiler is heavier by a landslide.

Rottweilers, on average, tend to weigh anywhere between 80 lbs to 130 lbs, while Doberman Pinschers tend to stand at a much lighter weight of anywhere between 60 lbs to 90 lbs.

Coat Color

When it comes to coat color, Rottweilers and the Doberman Pinschers look awfully alike.

The most common coat colors that Rottweilers are available in are black, brown, black & brown, while the most common coat colors that Dobermans are available in are black & brown, black & tan, and plain black.



As far as training is concerned, both the Rottweiler and the Doberman Pinscher dogs are considered to be easy going dogs that don’t give their owners much difficult time learning and obeying commands.

Contrary to popular belief and because of how tough both dogs look like, and this is especially true for the Doberman Pinscher that looks extra tough and aggressive, both of these dogs are considered to be good options for first time dog owners to consider because of how relatively easy they are to train.

Exercise & Physical Activity

When you look at both the Doberman Pinscher and the Rottweiler dogs, you’ll notice that they have a fairly athletic build to them, especially the Doberman Pinscher.

For this reason and several others, such as the fact that the two are also considered to be under the category of working dogs, both of these dogs will need to get decent amounts of exercise on a daily basis to lead healthy and happy lives, as well as maintain their fitness levels and avoid becoming overweight.


If you’re looking for a watchdog in either a Doberman Pinscher or a Rottweiler, then there’s some good news for you, as both these dogs excel in this task.

What you typically want in a guard dog that can keep you, your family and your household safe and out of harm’s way is a dog that’s alert to their surroundings, can detect danger from a long distance away, is aggressive towards strangers they don’t recognize that are present in territories they aren’t supposed to be in, has the courage to act and put it all on the line when they sense this danger, and don’t do around barking all day long when there’s no real reason for them to be doing so – all characteristics found in both of these two breeds.

As a matter of fact, one of the primary tasks that both Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers were originally bred for is guarding.

Living Conditions

Kids At Home

When it comes to adding either a Doberman Pinscher or a Rottweiler to a household where young kids are present, neither of these two dogs is the best option to be around kids, unfortunately.

There are much better options out there that are more compatible with little kids, be that in either cross breeds or purebred dogs.

Temperature & Climate

Both Doberman Pinschers and Rottweilers have thick and dense coats (although short ones), which means they’re ideally suited for living in areas where the temperature is moderate.

They can get by just fine in areas where it tends to get a little bit cold (just not too cold), but will find it difficult to enjoy life in areas where temperatures get too high, because of their thick coat that already keeps them warm at all times.

Other Pets At Home

If you’re looking to add either a Doberman Pinscher or a Rottweiler to a household where other pets are present, then you’ll be happy to know that both of these breeds are known to be friendly around other household pets and compatible with them.

It is key, though, that whichever of the two breeds you end up getting for your home, that you properly socialize them and teach them how to interact with other pets from a young age.

If you get this part right, you’ll soon see for yourself how friendly these two dogs are with other household pets, especially cats – the two can even become best friends!


Generally speaking, Doberman Pinschers tend to outlive Rottweilers by a couple of years on average.

Doberman Pinschers have an average life expectancy of anywhere between 10 to 13 years, while Rottweilers have an average life expectancy of anywhere between 8 to 10 years only.

So, if life expectancy is a major issue you give weight to when considering which of these two breeds you want to enjoy life with, then you’re definitely better off with a Doberman Pinscher.

Keep in mind though that these figures are only expectations, many different factors may intervene in reality and result in some Rottweilers outliving Doberman Pinschers by a good few years.

Whichever of these two dog breeds you eventually decide to go with, you should know that both are considered to lead less than average lifespans.

Now, let’s cover some of the most common health problems that both of these dogs suffer from.

Rottweilers are known to be more prone than other dog breeds to experience and suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism and eye problems, while Dobermans are known to be more prone than other dog breeds to experience and suffer from cardiovascular disease and bloat.



As far as grooming is concerned, and this is especially true for all of you who are specifically interested in the dog that requires the least amount of time spent on your part taking care of them in this respect, there’s not much of a difference between the Rottweiler and the Doberman Pinscher.

Both of these dogs are going to require a similar amount of time from your part for grooming practices, or the same costs if you decide to hire a professional groomer to take care of that part for you, of course.

The good thing is that both the Doberman Pinscher and the Rottweiler are two breeds that require fairly little maintenance work when it comes to grooming, unlike other breeds out there that require much more time and stricter schedules.

A moderate brushing schedule is advised for both of these dogs since neither of them is considered to be a heavy shedder.

Both the Doberman Pinscher and the Rottweiler dogs are considered to be moderate shedding dogs, so you’ll likely be fine brushing their coat around 2-3 times a week.

Sticking to such a moderate schedule will ensure that both of their coat’s remain as soft as can be, and that you aren’t excessively brushing them more than needed, which is counterproductive and only leads to hair loss and coat damage.

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