The family of berries seems to be a very popular choice of food when it comes to what fruits dog owners think about giving their dogs treats. So far on this site, we’ve previously discussed whether or not dogs can be given raspberries, cranberries, blueberries and strawberries, and now it’s time to answer the question you came here to learn about – “Can dogs eat Blackberries?”.
On which side of the spectrum are blackberries on? Are they on the same side of berries that are toxic to dogs and off-limits at all times? Or are they on the same side of berries that are healthy, safe and beneficial to dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? Or Are Blackberries Bad For Dogs?
YES, dogs can be safely given blackberries to eat, and blackberries do not pose a toxicity risk towards dogs.
So, if you’re trying to figure out whether offering Fido a blackberry or two every now and then as a treat is something that’ll harm them, then rest assured that it’s not harmful to them.
You do have to make sure, however, that any amount of blackberries your dog does end up eating is within the realms of moderation.
A dog that consumes one or two blackberries as a treat from time to time will be completely fine and safe, while a dog that consumes a whole bowl of blackberries won’t.
Typically, what would happen when your dog eats a whole bowl of blackberries (or any quantity of blackberries that’s way more than they should be eating in one sitting), they’ll experience diarrhea/loose stools and/or vomiting, which is their system trying to get rid of what they can’t handle.
Of course, to what extent your dog will experience digestive trouble will greatly depend on their size in comparison to the amount of blackberries they consumed, as larger sized dogs that ate an excessive amount of blackberries have more leeway to escape trouble than smaller sized dogs that ate the same excessive amount of blackberries.
This is, most of the times, the most you’ll ever have to be concerned about if your dog overeats blackberries.
You almost always don’t have to worry about toxicity problems when your dog overeats blackberries, because blackberries are simply not toxic to dogs.
So, as long as you keep things in moderation, you won’t have much to worry about.
Why Are Blackberries Good For Dogs?
Now that we’ve answered the question to whether dogs can or can’t safely eat blackberries in the first place, let’s go over the debate about whether it’s actually worth it to feed your dog blackberries in the first place (i.e whether or not blackberries have any health benefits to offer dogs besides the awesome taste).
Here’s a list of a few health benefits that blackberries may be able to offer dogs that consume them.
Antioxidants: Blackberries are known to be loaded with antioxidants, which is something many dog food manufacturing companies have taken advantage of and decided to include blackberries in their dog food formulas in order to boost the overall “healthy factor” they have to offer.
(This can be seen in the ingredients list of this formula from Blue Buffalo dog food, for example).
These antioxidants are, among many other benefits, renowned for their ability to fight free radicals forming in your dog’s body.
Vitamins: Blackberries are known to contain several important Vitamins that help your dog’s body function normally, most notable of which are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin E.
Fiber: Blackberries are also high in fiber content, which translates to a smoother digestive system and more efficient digestive system functions.
Omega 3: Blackberries are also known to contain significant levels of Omega 3, which could also lead to the improvement of your dog’s skin and coat health.
Conclusion On Dogs And Blackberries
To conclude this article and sum it up, eating blackberries is in no way toxic to dogs if given to them properly and within a certain set of rules that any dog owner has to follow when it comes to their dog’s diet.
Blackberries can make for the perfect treat for your dog if you’re looking to mix things up a bit and vary a little from giving them commercial dog treats instead (even though there are in fact some high quality dog treats out there), but make sure not to focus too much on including blackberries in your dog’s diet as there’s really no need or benefit for this to be done.
On the contrary, focusing too much of your dog’s diet on blackberries and other fruits instead of the dog food they need to be eating will actually be harmful to them and will eventually lead to them coming short of meeting their nutritional requirements.
So, keep the blackberry as an occasional treat that Fido deserves and will enjoy from time to time as something different than what they’re usually given to eat, and you won’t have anything to worry about.
If you’re looking to prepare a homemade dog treat for Fido that revolves around blackberry, look no further than this recipe from the AKC.