For many people, berry season is one of the most exciting seasons in the year. Everything from strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and, today’s subject, raspberries is looked forward to by many, especially during summer season when they’re available fresh from nature.
And, just like you might love these berries and they may be one of your favorite fruits to munch down on from a bowl, your dog sure does too if given the chance to.
But, before you go ahead and feed some of these tasty berries to Fido, especially raspberries (the topic of today’s article), you have to ask yourself the question “can dogs eat raspberries?”.
Whether you just want to give some raspberries to your furry buddy as a well deserved reward or are looking to help them reap the health benefits that raspberries are so packed with, you have to know whether or not dogs can safely eat raspberries first.
Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?
YES, dogs can eat raspberries! Raspberries are not toxic or poisonous for dogs if they eat them.
Generally speaking and even though dogs don’t really need to eat fruit because their nutritional needs are met from the dog food they eat (and you are giving your dog high quality dog food, right?), raspberries are safe and healthy to feed your dog.
However, and just like the case is when it comes to any other fruit, there are some conditions and rules you should abide by for the safety of your canine friend – because every good thing can turn into a bad thing real fast if we approach it the wrong way.
How Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?
Before going ahead and feeding your dog some of those raspberries you’re having, you must carefully and thoroughly wash the raspberry first.
Other than that, there’s not much for you to do with the raspberry besides feeding it to your dog after you wash it!
This is one reason why many dog owners love feeding their dogs raspberries as a choice of fruit from time to time, because unlike other fruits such as oranges, watermelon and peaches, all of which require some time in order for you to properly prepare them so they’re safe for you to feed to your dog, raspberries only require that you give them a good wash and then you’re set!
When it comes to many other fruits out there, you’ll have to waste your time on removing any pits in the fruit, removing the fruit peel, removing any seeds and any possible stems that come with it, but none of that is needed when it comes to raspberries, they can be fed to dogs very safely as is.
Add 2-3 small pieces of raspberries as part of your dog’s meal, or just give 2-3 small pieces of raspberries to your dog as a special, occasional treat every now and then, whatever you fancy more works just as fine as the other.
Try not to go over this amount, because your dog doesn’t really need to eat more than this, and because of the digestive risks associated with over-the-top amounts of raspberries fed to dogs.
How Much Raspberries Can Dogs Eat?
Even though it is true that raspberries are an excellent treat for you to give your dog, that doesn’t mean that you’re free to go ahead and feed them a whole bowl of raspberries all together.
As with everything in life, there should be a red line drawn somewhere.
2 or 3 raspberries from time to time is fine to give your dog as a treat.
While it’s completely safe for dogs to eat raspberries, it’s not recommended for you to feed them more than 2-3 pieces at a time, as that could lead to digestive problems and an upset stomach.
Raspberries Don’t Exactly Come By Cheap
Plus, raspberries aren’t exactly the cheapest of fruits out there, and we all like to save on our costs wherever we can nowadays, am I right or am I right? 🙂
If you’re looking to save costs on treats you plan to feed your dog for whatever reason, then going with raspberries may not be the best choice you could make.
There are many other fruits out there that don’t cost nearly as much as raspberries do, ones that are also excellent for dogs to eat from time to time.
Keep It Limited
Larger dogs can safely eat more raspberries than smaller dogs, because their system can handle the excess amount better, but if you want to stick on the safe side, just give your dog 2-3 pieces and you should be fine.
It’s not like raspberries (or any fruit for that matter) should make up an important part of your dog’s diet anyway, it’s just meant as an occasional reward.
Raspberries also contain a decent amount of calories, so if your dog eats too many of them at one sitting, they can easily lead to fast weight gain.
Raspberries & Chocolate – A Deadly Combo
It’s very important to note that you shouldn’t feed your dog cream-covered raspberries or chocolate-covered raspberries, as chocolate (in certain amounts) can be very toxic to dogs, even fatal.
It’s best you stick to the plain form of raspberries when giving it to your furry friend.
Access Limitation
Also, and to minimize the chances of your dog eating much more raspberries than is safe for them to eat, make sure that wherever you store large amounts of raspberries in one place at home is very hard for your dog to reach.
As you surely know by now, dogs will hold nothing back at devouring a huge supply of any delicious food like raspberry if they manage to make their way to one.
Unlike you and I, dogs don’t have a sense of portion control and don’t know how much of a certain food is good for them before it becomes very harmful, and they will only stop when they’re completely full and satisfied.
And to feel full from eating raspberries, your dog is going to have to gulp down a humongous amount of them before they feel satiated, which only means a fast trip to the animal emergency care center.
Why Are Raspberries Good For Dogs?
Raspberries are good for dogs because they:
– Are a great source of dietary fiber, which helps improve your dog’s digestive system and fight obesity because it keeps your dog full for long periods of time
– Are very rich in powerful antioxidants, such as ellagic acid and anthocyanins, which help protect against free radicals that damage body cells
– Are renowned for the anti-inflammatory properties they carry, which is something any dog that suffer from problems such as hip joint dysplasia and/or arthritis needs a whole lot of, especially when it comes to older dogs.
This is one reason why if you were to check the ingredients list of dog food manufactured for senior dogs, you’ll find a higher amount of ingredients that contain anti-inflammatory properties than you would in the ingredients list of dog food manufactured for young puppies & mid-aged dogs.
– Are rich in vital minerals for the body, such as potassium, manganese, copper, folic acid, iron, and magnesium
– Are rich in vital minerals for the body, such as vitamin C, K and B-complex.
– Improve your dog’s vision
– Improve the condition of your dog’s coat
A Note About Raspberries And Xylitol
One thing we always speak and warn about on this website is Xylitol that’s found in certain foods dog owners like to feed their dogs.
For a refreshment on what Xylitol exactly is, it’s a sugar alcohol that’s widely used as a sweetener in many different manufactured edible products.
Xylitol found in these products, such as sugar-free gum and different brands of candies, is usually fine for you and I to consume because our bodies can handle these amounts.
However, the huge danger becomes a reality when we start to think about feeding our dogs these products we consume that contain Xylitol, because their bodies and system’s can’t handle anywhere near the amounts of Xylitol our bodies can.
And this is where disaster happens, a lot of which eventually results in the death of dogs.
Now, you may have been told that raspberries contain Xylitol and that you, as a result, shouldn’t be feeding this fruit to your dog, but the complete and true story is not as simple as this.
Xylitol that’s found in raspberries is completely natural, and the amounts of Xylitol in raspberries are very minimal, two factors which mean that any risk of dog poisoning from Xylitol due to consuming raspberries is practically impossible, unless you were to give your dog a very large quantity of raspberries to eat all at once – something which you should never do to begin with, as your dog will suffer from many health repercussions other than Xylitol poisoning.
As long as you keep the amount of raspberries you feed your dog within acceptable realms, then you don’t need to worry about Xylitol poisoning in dogs at all.