Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms? Or Are Mushrooms Bad For Dogs?

Can dogs eat Mushrooms?  This questions inevitably comes up when the subject of feeding dogs pizza is touted around, as mushrooms are a prominent ingredient in some pizzas – so let’s get right into it, shall we?

Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms? Or Are Mushrooms Bad For Dogs?

Yes dogs can eat most mushrooms.  Per NAMA 99% of mushrooms have little to no toxicity.  But the other 1% are highly toxic and can be life threatening so if you think your dog ate a highly toxic mushroom call your Vet immediately.

Otherwise it’s generally fine to feed your dog mushrooms if they like them.

When Are Mushrooms Bad For Dogs?

Mushrooms are also bad for your dog if they have allergies to mushrooms.

Does your dog suffer from any allergies towards mushrooms? If so, you should keep them away from mushrooms as much as possible.

Why Are Mushrooms Good For Dogs?

First of all, you have the fact that mushrooms are one of the most nutritionally rich foods you can ever find, containing high levels of Vitamin D, protein, niacin, riboflavin and antioxidants.

And, just like these will boost your overall health, they will do the same thing for your dog’s health.

Moreover, mushrooms can serve as an amazing source of treats when you’re training your dog, if they like mushrooms that is.

If you feed them some mushrooms and find out they don’t like them that much or their digestive system reacts in a funny way to them (more on that in a few), forget about that idea!

How Much Mushrooms Can Dogs Eat?

Since feeding your dog mushrooms, especially for the first time and you not having any prior experience as to how they will react to it as part of their overall diet, is a risky game, you’re best off feeding them mushrooms in moderation at first.

Feed them cooked mushrooms in a small quantity at first, monitor how they react to it, and act accordingly.

If they react negatively towards the mushrooms and show signs of digestion problems, diarrhea, stomach pain or anything unusual that comes directly as the result of feeding them mushrooms, then you know that something’s fishy and you have to be careful about this.

However, if they react normally towards the mushrooms you feed them and don’t show any unusual signs, then you’re good to go and are clear to continue using mushrooms as part of your dog’s overall diet, treat package, or whatever else you can use mushrooms for with your dogs – I’ll leave that up to you creative people to decide!

What Kind Of Mushrooms Can Dogs Eat?

The only kind of mushrooms you should ever get close to your dog is supermarket bought mushrooms.

Assuming your dog is not allergic to mushrooms, you’ll be more than fine going with ones you bought from the supermarket.

Also, when feeding your dog mushrooms, you can do away with any seasonings, toppings, etc …

Plain and simple bland cooked mushrooms bought from the supermarket or the local grocery store is best to ensure your dog doesn’t suffer any unwanted digestive issues.

What Kind Of Mushrooms Can Dogs NOT Eat?

The kind of mushrooms you want your dog to stay FAR away from as possible is wild mushrooms, including those that grow in your own yard.

Read this story and see for yourself why wild mushrooms are a tragedy waiting to happen if you feed some to your dog.

Mushrooms growing in your own yard should be removed from your dog’s sight before they even get close to noticing them, this way you can stay worry free.

You may think mushrooms growing in your own yard won’t be toxic since you’re supervising on their growth, but that’s a big risky game you’re playing, one that you’re better off without.

Most of the times it’s a very difficult task that requires an expert to differentiate between toxic mushrooms and non-toxic mushrooms, especially since they grow side by side.

While in some parts of the world you will find that people consume wild mushrooms, these kind of mushrooms can cause fatal organ damage, serious poisoning and intoxication to your dog if they consume it.

Sometimes some people choose to take the risk and feed their dogs wild mushrooms, and unfortunately their rush to the vet wasn’t fast enough to avoid the worst case scenario.

So please, for the sake of your dog’s life and for the love of all dogs, keep your dog away from all wild mushrooms!

The most common poisonous mushrooms that can harm your dog are:

  • Amanita Muscaria
  • Amanita Gemmata
  • Amanita Phalloides
  • Helvella Lacunosa
  • Galerina Marginata

How Can I Tell If My Dog Was Harmed By Eating A Mushroom?

The most common signs of mushroom toxicity your dog will exhibit are:

  • Upset stomach and GI distress
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive drooling
  • Eyes become watery
  • Eyes become yellowish
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures

What Do I Do If My Dog Was Intoxicated By Eating A Mushroom?

If you, for any reason, suspect that your dog has eaten a poisonous mushroom, immediately contact your veterinarian, or take your dog to the closest pet emergency hospital as fast as possible.

Taking too much time to react could cause terrible repercussions on your dog’s health.

You should also pick a sample of the mushrooms that your dog ate from wherever they were found, wrap them around a paper towel, put them in a paper bag and then put them in the fridge, in case they are required later on for examination, as the identification of the mushroom your dog has eaten and its specific type is extremely important to whoever ends up treating your dog.


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