My Puppy Pees A Lot! How Often Should A Pup Urinate?

Are you worried that your puppy pees a lot? Read on to learn the normal urinary frequency in pups.


The thrill that comes with getting a new pup is immeasurable. Did your blind date go wrong or have a bad day at the office? All you need is a kiss from your furry pet and that frown on your face will vanish. But, just as there are two sides of a coin, your relationship with this puppy will not always be rosy.

In fact, the first couple of months can be pretty frustrating, especially if your pup is not yet potty trained. If you are not outdoors trying to convince your pup to potty, you’re indoors cleaning up the mess he’s made on your kitchen floor (if you’re fortunate—some prefer to soak your carpet in their urine). But, other times, puppies pee more often than their normal frequencies. This article explains how often a pup urinates while highlighting some of the reasons that may cause your pup to pee too many times.

What is the Normal Urinary Frequency of a Puppy?

An adult dog is capable of holding his bladder for a pretty long time. Most dogs pee just three times in a day, which means they hold their bladders for about eight hours between pit stops. With pups, their bladders are much smaller, and this weakens their bladder control. For instance, an adult dog can stay all night before having to pee in the morning. In contrast, puppies have to void their bladder just 10 to 20 minutes after filling up their tanks.

If your pup is less than six months, you should take him out to pee every one to two hours. The American Kennel Club reports that pups can wait for the same number of hours as their current age. But, this only applies to puppies up to the age of nine months. For instance, a two-month-old pup should be taken out to pee every two hours while a six-month-old will hold his bladder for six hours.

So, if your five-month-old pooch is pestering you every hour, it’s highly likely that something is amiss. In such a situation, you should consult your veterinarian immediately. Your vet will provide adequate medical advice on any health problems your pup may have. However, if there is nothing wrong with your pup’s health, chances are that the root of his peeing problem is behavioral in nature.

Medical Reasons Why Your Pup Pees More Than Usual

Your puppy peeing a lot could be as a result of an underlying medical problem. In fact, there are several conditions that you may force your pup to pee frequently. As such, you should not expect a straightforward answer from your veterinarian. They may have to perform a couple of tests on your pup to determine the underlying problem. This examination will involve a review of your pup’s history, urine tests, blood tests, and imaging tests. The disease that could be causing your pup to pee too often are:

Canine Diabetes

Diabetes affects dogs the same way it does humans. Canine Diabetes is as a result of the pancreas failure to generate enough insulin. It could also stem from the body’s incapacity to respond to insulin production. Either way, both situations lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. When this happens, your dog’s kidney is stimulated to shed water forcing him to empty his bladder too many times.

Being a congenital disease, diabetes can affect puppies at a very tender age. Although it’s manageable, diabetes has no cure. Consequently, it’s crucial to seek medical attention if you suspect that your dog is diabetic.

Urinary Tract Infection

When it affects humans, urinary tract infection causes individuals to have an urgent need to urinate. This is the same way it affects puppies. Thankfully, it’s not difficult to treat. All you’ll have to do is to consult your veterinarian for the appropriate medication. To learn more about urinary tract infection in dogs, check out this video.

Kidney Infection

Kidney infection has almost the same symptoms as urinary tract infection. This condition will also force your pup to pee more frequently than usual. Kidney infection is also easy to treat using antibiotics. Often, this condition occurs alongside bladder infections.


If your puppy is already taking some kind of medicine, his peeing problem could be a side effect of the drugs. Most vets warn dog owners in advance if they prescribe medications with such adverse impacts. You should also take note that vaccinations can also cause your pup to pee more often than usual.


Although they occur rarely, brain and spinal tumors have a tendency of exerting pressure on the nerves located between your pup’s nervous system and bladder. This unnecessary pressure causes impairment and, subsequently, your puppy’s inability to control his bladder. However, tumors are the most uncommon reason for a puppy urinating frequently.

Behavioral Reasons Why Your Pup Pees More Often Than Usual

Once the vet confirms that your pup is not suffering from any severe malady, the next thing to evaluate is his behavior. Some common behavioral reasons that cause your pup to pee too often are:

Seek Attention

If you fail to show your pup the care and attention he so deserves, he will find a way to get what he wants. And, yes, that includes urinating in inappropriate areas such as your bed, laundry, or carpet. When this happens, the first reaction from most pet owners is that of yelling and reprimanding. Well, guess what? That is just what your pup is yearning for. So, if you’ve been asking yourself, “Why does my puppy pee so much?” you should give him more attention. Take him for a walk in the evening, sit beside him while he feeds or buys him some pet toys.


A vast majority of dogs, particularly those twitchy little pups, pee whenever they get anxious. Anxiety is a tricky problem to fix and you should consult your Vet for solutions.

You could try taking him out for exercises more often. Stimulation and socialization can also help to calm your dog. In most situations, pup owners are forced to hire expert trainers to rectify their always-anxious character.

Incomplete Training

You could be the very reason why your pup pees 15 times in a day. When you bring a pup to your home, it is your responsibility to teach him all the dos and don’ts. This includes house training him on when and when not to potty.

You should start with a well-organized potty training schedule, which you should always adhere to. For instance, you should take him out every time he’s had something to drink. Also, remember to praise or reward him whenever he goes in the right place.

One core value you need to have during this process is patience. Your pup may not know that he needs to urinate until he gets that urge the last minute. As such, you will have to be patient with him during his learning curve.

Dealing With a Pup with Excessive Urination Problem

Based on the specific reason for his urination issue, there are different strategies and techniques that you can use to improve his behavior.

Crate Training

Crate training is a proven method of teaching your pup the right place to poop or pee. The overall concept of crate training is to keep in his crate during those times you can’t find time to supervise him directly. This way, your pup is very unlikely to pee in the same area where he rests his head so he will always hold up to that point you let him out.

Belly Bands and Diapers

If the reason why your puppy pees a lot is medically-related, it may take a while to resolve this problem. In the meantime, you can mitigate the damage he causes to your home by purchasing a belly band (for male pups) and diapers (for female pups).

Both items are fitted with an absorbent material, which soaks the inevitable accident. Although you’ll be forced to change his diapers frequently, this is more convenient than cleaning your floors every two hours.

Lengthen your Pup’s Potty Breaks

Some puppies have a bad tendency of peeing every time they return from walks. If your pup falls into this category, you can prevent it by ensuring that you extend his walk. Eventually, he will quit the habit of peeing as soon as you get to the house.


Frequent urination in puppies could be caused by a number of things. We can categorize these causes into two: medically-induced and behavioral. If your pup is suffering from canine diabetes, urinary tract infection, kidney stones or he’s been taking other medicines, he is prone to pee more often than usual. Sometimes, a puppy pees a lot because he is nervous or because he wants your attention. If the reason for his excessive urination is behavioral in nature, you can curb his habit through crate training as well as buying diapers and belly bands. However, if it’s being caused by a medical condition, you should seek advice from your veterinarian.


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