Beagle Basset Hound Mix (A.K.A Bagle Hound) – An Overview

The Beagle Basset Hound Mix dog, also known as the Beagle Hound Mix dog, is a medium-sized cross breed that results from mixing one Beagle parent and one Basset Hound parent together.

This dog isn’t recognized as its own pure breed, however it is recognized by several different authoritative entities mentioned in the list below as being a mixed breed/designer breed dog.

  • American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC)
  • Designer Breed Registry (DBR)
  • Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC)
  • Dog Registry of America (DRA)
  • International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR)

Beagle Basset Hound Mix Appearance

When it comes to determining exactly how the Beagle Basset Hound Mix will look like, that’s a bit of a tough job that nobody can exactly pinpoint because of the fact that no two Beagle Hound Mix dogs will look EXACTLY the same.

There’s just too many variables and factors that go into the mix for that to happen.

We can only make an informed guess based on many commonalities we see between the majority of Beagle Basset Hound Mix dogs, and based on what both of their parents look like.

Size, Height & Weight

In general, a fully grown adult Beagle Basset Hound Mix dog is a medium sized dog that will weigh anywhere between 30-50 lbs and will stand anywhere between 12-18 inches tall.

Much like its Beagle parent, the Beagle Basset Hound Mix has a fairly muscular body as well.


The Beagle Basset Hound Mix dog’s coat is a relatively short one, and is known to be smooth and silky when properly taken care of.

As for the colors this dog’s coat comes in, there’s a wide variety of colors available, most common of which are white, black, brown, yellow and orange.

Beagle Hound Mix Temperament

Exercise & Physical Activity

One of the things you have to be very careful about when taking the Beagle Basset Hound Mix out for some exercise somewhere like a dog park is the fact that they have such a strong smelling sense, that they will go after certain things like a rocket if they smell them from a distance and are not put on a leash at the time.

That’s the last thing you want to happen because that will put everyone’s safety at the dog park (or wherever you take your dog out without a leash) at risk.

Even though this dog is known to get along very well with people of all ages and especially young kids, you have to understand that this is a fairly curious dog that always wants to be exploring new things they haven’t tried yet, which can sometimes be a problem when kids are around because it might want to experiment something new on them.

So, you should always be supervising any playtime this dog gets with young kids, unless you’re absolutely sure that the Beagle Basset Hound Mix you have at home is super well-trained and socialized, in which case you could leave them to play alone without supervision.

The good news though is that this dog isn’t nearly as large as some other pure-breeds and cross-breeds out there, which means that they don’t pose nearly the same amount of danger to your little kids when it comes to physical play.

As far as how active this dog likes to be throughout the day, they are fairly active dogs that enjoy their share of exercise each and every day, both for the body and for the mind.

The least form of exercise this cross-breed should be given each and every day is being taken to 1-2 moderate distance walks, as well as having access to a wide variety of toys they can keep themselves busy with and which can give them the mental stimulation they need as well.

If they’re feeling it and you’re able to continue, keep going on the walk until you see them start to get tired.

The majority of Beagle Basset Hound Mix dogs have a very impressive endurance to them and will last for quite a while before they get tired.

Since this is a relatively larger than average sized dog, it’s a very good added benefit if you have a large fenced backyard at home that they can play around in and keep themselves busy in throughout the day as well.

It won’t do them any good laying around an apartment all day, they like it much more in a large backyard.

However, and since this is a relatively moderate sized dog that can lead a healthy and happy life living in an apartment if its given the necessary exercise outlets throughout the day (unlike gigantic sized dogs that can in no way, shape or form move around freely in an apartment if their life depended on it), the backyard as part of your property remains an added benefit and not a deal-breaking requirement.

Make sure to pay extra attention for what we talked about earlier on in this section about this dog’s excellent sense of smell, as sometimes their sense of smell can lead their way to digging themselves a route to escape low quality fence systems.

Even if you’ve properly trained them and give them a command to not follow their smelling senses, this won’t work all the time, especially when their stubborn side decides to show up. So make sure you plan out before hand for a plan B and plan C in case commands didn’t work!


Just like we say when we talk about any other pure-breed dog or cross breed, the earlier you train your dog and socialize them, the better the results and the easier this whole process will be.

And this is exactly the case with the Beagle Basset Hound Mix.

And this becomes much more true of a statement when we’re talking about dogs that are a bit harder to train than others because of a certain attitude that they can sometimes inherit from their parents.

Many owners of this cross breed will tell you that housetraining them (aka potty training them) was one of the hardest tasks they ever had to do in life, because of how stubborn and lazy they can be at times.

However, if you were to ask all owners of this cross breed about their experience with house training this dog, those that did so when this dog was still a young puppy found it to be tremendously easier than those that did so when this dog was a full grown adult.

With that being said, these dogs aren’t the hardest to train, you just have to know how to deal with their negative attitudes sometimes.

When they’re not trying to act like spoiled brats, the Beagle Basset Hound Mix dog will actually make quite a bit of an effort to follow your orders and make you happy.

And, as always, if you find that you’re not nearly as experienced enough to take training this dog into your own hands, there’s always the option for you to enroll yourself and your Beagle Basset Hound Mix dog into a class where you will be taught everything you need to know about training them, and they will be properly trained in the process.

For some reason, this dog seems to LOVE to hunt down squirrels when not trained to abstain from doing that, so make sure you have them properly trained and socialized to learn that squirrels are friendly animals and not pray they should be going after.

This dog, meanwhile, seems to get along very well with cats, which is strange to say the least!

Basset Hound Beagle Mix Health

In general, mixed breed dogs aren’t at risk of suffering from health problems as much as purebred dogs, but they do inherit their fair share of health problems from either/both their parents.

Some of the most commonly seen health problems that the Beagle Basset Hound Mix dog tends to inherit from its parents are:

  • Ear infections
  • Eye problems
  • Epilepsy
  • Weight gain
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Back problems
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Skin fleas and ticks, which is why you always have to stay on top of their medication and treatment schedules to make sure they never miss any scheduled dosage.

On average, the Beagle Basset Hound Mix is expected to live a lifespan of around 10-15 years.

Beagle Basset Mix Care

The Beagle Basset Hound Mix isn’t exactly the most demanding of dogs when it comes to its grooming needs, which is very good news for people who feel like they don’t have all that much time in a day to look after their dog’s grooming needs (above of everything else).

As far as brushing their coat and fur is concerned, you should be doing all this brushing around 1-2 times a week, as there’s really no need for a more frequent or stricter schedule than that.

This dog isn’t a heavy shedding dog, it’s rather a moderate shedding dog that will only need to be brushed a couple of times a week in order to maintain the quality of their coat and fur and make sure that dead hairs don’t fall all over the place.

You should also give this dog a bath only when they need one and not just for the fun of it, because that can cause significant damage to their coats over time.

Also make sure to use a specific dog-formula shampoo that doesn’t damage their natural skin oils.

With all that being covered, this leaves us with the remainder of the grooming practices, such as brushing their teeth around 3-4 times a week, cleaning this dog’s ears around 1-2 times a week, and trimming their nails before they grow way too long and start to impact the way they go about their day to day lives and activities.

Any specific grooming practices that you don’t really feel comfortable doing yourself can be handed over to a professional groomer to complete, which is something we always advise you do instead of trying to do it yourself and risking possibly injuring your dog in the process.

Beagle Basset Hound Mix Living Conditions

Those that live in certain regions that experience extreme weather conditions, whether that be extreme cold or extreme hot temperatures, you should probably forget about adding one of these dogs to your household because they’re very well known to do very poorly in extreme weather conditions.


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