Lab Mastiff Mix – What To Expect In This Giant Dog Mix

mastiff laying downchocolate labrador

The Mastiff Lab Mix dog, also known as the Mastador dog, is a giant cross-breed dog that results from cross-breeding a Mastiff [1] and a Labrador Retriever [2].

The Mastador is officially recognized as a mixed breed dog by the following organizations.

  • American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC)
  • Designer Breed Registry (DBR)
  • Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC)
  • Dog Registry of America (DRA)
  • International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR)

Lab Mastiff Mix Appearance

Size, Height & Weight

On average, this breed is an extremely large sized dog that will stand anywhere between 28 to 36 inches tall, and will weigh anywhere from 100 to 200 lbs, which is absolutely gigantic for a dog.

mastiff laying down

At just around the 6-7 month mark, Mastador puppies will tend to weigh anywhere between 50-60 lbs! This dog can weigh more than many humans once full grown!

And this huge size is most certainly no surprise, as one of the world’s largest dog breeds, the Mastiff, is one of the two parents involved in this mix.


The coat of the Mastiff Lab Mix is a fairly short and smooth one that comes in all sorts of solid colors, most common of which being white, silver, gray, yellow, golden, brindle, brown and black.

Mastador Dog Temperament


First off, a very important thing must be noted and made very clear.

Please don’t let the big size of this pup intimidate you into thinking it’s not friendly.

Just like you could have a conversation with that buff, 250+ lbs dude at your local gym only to find out that they’re one of the friendliest people you have ever met after they used to intimidate you, the same will happen with the Lab Mastiff Mix.

A very positive thing about this cross breed is the fact that it can handle longer periods of time being left alone much better than other dog breeds.

If you’ve read a couple or more articles about pure-bred dogs or other mixed-breed dogs, you’ll probably have come across the notion many times that canines that are left alone for long periods of time will develop separation anxiety.

This is still true when we’re talking about this breed, but the good news is that the time left alone that they can withstand before starting to show symptoms of separation anxiety is relatively longer than those other dogs you always read about.


When it comes to training the Mastiff Lab Mix, we wish we could say that it’s one of the easiest pets to train, but unfortunately it isn’t.

The good news is, though, that it isn’t one of the hardest dogs to train either.

puppy in grass

Even if you get the best professional trainer out there, the progress you will see when training this dog will be relatively slower than the one you would be seeing with other breeds that are easier to train.

One of the hardest parts of training this mix that you will face is when they’re still a young puppy, because of the fact that Mastadors are SO hyper and SO excited all the time, that it’s a full-time job in and of itself trying to calm them down so that you can teach them a thing or two.

Exercise & Physical Activity

Being the gigantic sized-dog that it is, the Labrador Mastiff Mix must be exercised enough on a day to day basis in order to maintain its physical health as well as mental sanity.

If you don’t give this canine the exercise it needs to get on a daily basis, your dog will very soon stop being a dog and transform into an elephant because of all the food they’re eating and no physical activity to burn it off. (Alright, we’re joking obviously, but you get the picture!).

The Mastiff Lab Mix is certainly no stranger to physical activity, as it’s very well known to excel in the following activities:

  • Guarding
  • Hunting
  • Agility
  • Tracking
  • Search and rescue
  • Detection work

Of-course, the absolute most basic form of exercise you should be giving this pup on a daily basis is 1-2 walks, preferably to the dog park where they can enjoy the environment around them and get a breath of fresh air.

Watchdog & Guard Dog

As far as relying on this animal to be your home’s watchdog and guard dog, you can put your money on them and they most definitely won’t disappoint you.

Not only will they bark very loud and clear in a fairly deep voice to alert you of any stranger nearby that shouldn’t be wherever they are and shouldn’t be doing whatever they’re planning to, this breed is also known to be a ruthless and fearless protector when it comes to its family, meaning that they won’t stop at anything when it comes to keeping you out of harm’s reach.

mastiff on guard

This very brave personality and willingness to do whatever it takes to save you or your family members from danger should NOT be confused with aggression.

Aggression is when a canine is willing to attack other people or other animals for no specific reason or without any of them being at fault, and this dog is nothing like this.

The only time the Mastiff Lab will take matters into its own hands (or paws in this case) is when real danger is looming around you or anyone else this dog cares for.

Mastador Dog Health

– Bloating – which means that you should split their daily food intake into multiple smaller meals rather than one huge meal that they eat once a day.

This way, there’s way less stress on their digestive system and they can process everything in a much easier way.

– Arthritis

– Eye problems and infections

– Ear infections

– Heart disease

– Skin disease

The Labrador Mastiff Mix is expected to live a lifespan that lasts anywhere from 8 to 14 years, with Mastadors that lead healthy lives and are properly taken care of by their owners leaning towards the higher end of that spectrum.

For a dog as big as this, this lifespan is just about the average number you’ll always see.

Preferred Living Conditions

As far as getting along well with your kids goes, this dog is known to be a fan favorite among families that are looking for animals for their kids to play around with, thanks to their very friendly personalities and their playful instincts that go hand in hand with that of little kids that love nothing more than to run around and play innocent games.

However, please make sure that any full grown Mastiff Lab Mix dog that wants to play around with your kids has been socialized at a certain stage in the life.

We say this because this cross breed is an absolute giant of a dog, weighing anywhere from 100-200 lbs, meaning that if they weren’t socialized in life and didn’t learn how to safely play around with kids before, then you could be putting your kid’s safety at danger if this pup wrongfully uses its size and power.

And the same goes for any other animals and household pets you plan on having this dog play around with. Socialization [3] is an absolute key factor here.

If you’re not very comfortable with having an animal this size around your little kids, that’s perfectly understandable, and we’ve seen many people that have refrained from their decision to add one of these dogs to their family because of this issue.

These people preferred to get a smaller canine home for the time-being, and add one of these dogs to the family when their kids are all grown up and can properly take care of and protect themselves.

Also, if you’re thinking about getting this breed to live in an apartment, FORGET ABOUT IT.

There is no way that a dog this size will be able to comfortably live and move around in an apartment, so don’t even bother trying with that as you’re only going to be wasting your valuable time and money in the process.

You should only consider getting one of these dogs home if you’ve got a fairly large backyard where this pet can call it their home.

large backyard

You should also make sure that your backyard is properly fenced with a very high quality fencing system, because if it’s fenced with something poor, good luck preventing this dog from making its way out in a breeze!

The Mastador is known to be a very good jumper, so don’t invite them into doing something like this that they excel in.

As for what weather this dog does best in, the Lab Mastiff Mix dog is known to do best in relatively warmer weather than colder weather climates, due to the fact that they have a short coat that doesn’t keep them warm during cold times.

Mastiff Lab Mix Care

To start this section off, it should be made clear that this animal is best off being fed a diet that consists of high quality, premium dog food that’s specifically designed with a formula for large breeds.

There are many dry dog food options out there for many different sized dogs, and the best option for this dog is the large dog breed formula.

Watch this video to learn more about the best diets for large breed dogs!

Moving on to talk a little bit about taking care of this canine’s coat, you won’t have to brush the Mastiff Lab Mix’s coat on a strict and very frequent basis as they aren’t heavy shedding dogs.

On the contrary, this animal is known to be a very low shedding dog, so doing so on a light schedule is more than enough to take care of their coat, maintain its quality and keep that beautiful shiny look going on.

As such, this is an excellent pet for you if you’re allergic to animals that shed a whole lot.

Now comes the tricky part about grooming this dog, and that’s bath time.

Why tricky you ask? Well, if you think bathing a 100-200 lbs dog is as easy as bathing one that’s 20-30 lbs, you’re very wrong about that.

This mix should only be given a shower when the need arises, and the shower should either be given to it in your backyard while using something like a water hose, or by you taking them to a professional groomer that has a designated area for showering dogs as big as this.

This is one of the things that most Mastiff Lab Mix dog owners complain about, the fact that showering this dog takes up way more time than it does with other smaller sized pets.

As for the other grooming needs this dog has, their teeth should be carefully brushed about 4 times a week, their ears should be checked and properly cleaned around once every week, and their nails should be trimmed just when they start to grow more than they should be.

Finally, it should be noted that this dog tends to get its eyes dirty very frequently, something which can easily lead to eye infections if their eyes aren’t properly checked on and cleaned on a frequent basis.


1. Mastiff Dog Breed Information

2. The Labrador Club

3. How to Socialize your Mastiff Puppy



      • Crate training is excellent and safe for these guys and if done correctly they enjoy it, however, there are a few important things you should know to make sure create training is a success….
        1) it is extremely important to give plenty of exercise prior to entering the crate (make sure they are all tuckered out)
        2) the crate has to be big enough for them to stand and turn around in. if they can’t its not big enough.
        3) never punish your dog to its crate (you want it to be a happy place)
        4) when you are home leave the door open to let it go in/out freely.
        5) if it is safe for your dog….cover the crate on 3 sides (if your house is super warm do not do this …if you have AC/central air then go for it).

        It is good idea to teach your dog a command like “Room” or “Place” for when they go in the crate. this way when they are under foot you can direct them to their room when need be and they will know what your talking about and where you want them to be.

        Please remember that this breed needs LOTS of exercise so if you are planning on keeping them locked in a create for super long periods of time than this may not be the breed for you. GOOD LUCK!!

      • My mastiff lab is 3.5 years old and 130 pounds. We got him recently as a rescue. He is an amazing animal. We were also fostering his puppy son who was learning house breaking and we were crate training him. My boy had never been crated and began to seek out the crate not allowing his son in. When his son got adopted and the crate went we purchased one and he loves it. I have crate trained every dog I have either owned or fostered and highly recommend it. It isn’t cruel. It helps puppies learn the rules and keeps them from having accidents and provides safe refuge when necessary. Our dog gets walked every day. He has a large fenced yard where he gets lots of play time. Crates aren’t cages.

      • You people have no clue..A dog that is use to their crate loves their crate. It becomes their save haven Their own spot just for them to relax..Crate training a puppy is great and if you can’t be home all day 24/7 with your pup you won’t be coming home to a destroyed house when they are crate trained once they get older leave the crate door opened and I garuntee that puppy will always go in there when the need down time or rest!!

        • Our mastador lays in his kennel and sleeps at night with the door open. So he’s 8 years old and not doing well. His legs are of the lab and his body of the mastiff. He’s had problems with his knees. Cause his legs are thin but long and his body is way bigger. He’s been on weight management food. His name is Riley Oliver.

  1. Our Jacob was given to us a couple weeks ago he is 5 months and I swear he is 50 pounds already. He sleeps with me in the recliner under the blanket. He is very well behaved. We are just having a problem with the potty training. Any suggestions? I walk with a cane, and he plays hard with the kids ages 5,9 and 10. Which they all need and enjoy

  2. We got ours (11 weeks old) from Melissa Bieber in Hinckley MN. So far she’s been a gem. Within 2 days she went to the door and yipped to go out, yahoo! We do have the luxury of 24 hour care, someone is always home, that’s huge when housebreaking. She’s crated at night but has the run of the first floor during the day. She goes out on a leash multiple times a day for walks and we let her run free if there is enough supervision. She loves water (though not sure how a bath will go) even gets in the shower. Lots of energy, lots of naps, a light sleeper. We’ve had her 3 weeks, so far so good. Those puppy teeth are sharp, but the biting is slowing down, thank goodness! If I had $20 for every time I said “no”, I could retire:)

  3. Our mastador was a rescue and we’ve had him about 3 years. While he’s very excitable and often difficult to calm, he’s also very loving and gentle. Especially with me. I suffer from a chronic illness and he just seems to know when I’m having a tough day. He will be noticibly different on those days and want to cuddle with me as a comfort. I also have a 10 lb chiweenie and they get along quite well. It’s like Scooby and Scrappy! I love my mastodor! We get compliments all the time on how handsome he is and how beautiful and shiny his coat is (he’s very dark, almost black). He’s also very good wile playing with children. He will lay on he floor and allow them to do just about anything to him!!!

  4. My Mastador Bootsie has been with us for a month now. He is 6 months old, and grows extremely fast. He is super smart, in which it only took him 3 full nights to become house broken, nudging me, or sitting at the door when he needs to go out. He has no problem going in his crate when we leave, due to the fact that he is still a puppy (chewing on things), but is allowed to roam the house freely when not alone. He loves outside, and is suprisingly more gentle and loving with our 6-year-old daughter. It has been a joy so far watching him grow, as he is already well over 6 pounds at 6 months old!

  5. Everything described here is my Eevee! I rescued her from the local ACS when it’s owner was turning in her mamma and 3 siblings. Mamma was a black lab and he told me daddy was a huge Mastiff. Eevee has always been real loving, excited, loved to be carried, playful, smart and chewed up everything! About the only thing I don’t like about her is her excitability. She gets way to excited. Other than that she’s great. She barks at everything but is no danger to others. She loves the water to.

  6. I also have a Mastiff, 3 year’s old, believe it or not but I have as a service dog. He was trained at a school. You can’t bring in a dog. This school selected the for what you’re need is. He’s brace and balance dog. He very smart, a little hyper. Loves to play but time to work. He’s all work. He watches everyone and location for walking. Just a big teddy bear. 95lbs. A very great dog. Just really big. Love him and he loves me as well.

  7. I have a English mastiff and English black lab. Both akc. Thought about breeding my mastiff with the lab. While it will be about a year down the road I want to be prepared. I will pro ably only produce 1 liter because I ha e always wanted a mastador. Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated.

    • Not loving water must come from the mastiff. My mastiff hates water and it is a chore at 200lbs to give her a bath. My lab loves the water due to coming from a champion water dog family. Dogs should only be crate trained and not caged. Just my 2 cents.

  8. We rescued Bruno @ 4 weeks old. We were told he was boarder collie/black lab mix LOL. We now have a horse! :). We socialized him early by taking him to doggy daycare when both my husband and I had to be gone at the same time for work. He’s the love of my life. He potty trained quickly, and is the most handsome, shiny, 100 pd, 1 year old you could ever imagine. Loving with us of course, but was surprised to see how gentle and loving he is with my 14 month old grandson. He’s obsessed with the hose and doesn’t mind the shower but hates to swim. We live up in the mountains with a large piece of land, completely fenced. He needs at least 2 walks a day if he is not in day care or he’ll chew anything in his path. He is also very excitable and barks at anything that moves but when we tell him to stop, he seems to listen pretty quickly. He is stubborn and looks at us like he’s really thinking if he should listen to us or not but when we use treats to train him, his stomach overrides his brain and he stops. If we don’t bribe him, he does as he pleases. Very food motivated. Eats 3 cups of large breed dry food and 1/2 can of wet with each feeding (twice a day). He is lean and very majestic. He is starting to exhibit fence aggression and his day care says we need to train him to stop it or they can’t accept him. He has not bitten but will bark aggressively at the dogs on the other side. If he is in an open area or at a dog park, he’ll play with any size dog and has never shown any signs of aggression. I’m not sure how to train the fence aggression out of him. Any suggestions?

  9. I have a Black. Lab Mastiff. Mix He is over 100 pounds.I trained dogs for 2 years rescue. dogs. None of them compared to my dog. I have had him sense he was. a puppy, This animal acts like a 12 year old kid. I wouldn’t take anything for him he is brilliant. I also have a small pitbull black female. They act like a couple to separate. them would kill them A bit of advice Treat them like children they will kill for you. These two dogs made me see so much.ILove them.

  10. I have two Mastadors. They are sweet and gentle, but they are the most destructive dogs I have ever owned. At three and a half years of age, they are still chewing anything and everything they can reach. They spend the whole day outside, come in and spend time with the family, then go to bed in the laundry room, where they chew holes in the walls, and destroy anything that they can reach. I’m losing patience with them.

  11. I’ll be meeting tomorrow of the multiple color lab x mastiff 1 yr old boy for a possible adoption. The owner mentioned some issues regarding a sudden change of attitude where he started not liking people coming to their place. She said he needs to be trained again to become a people dog. I’m concern about my 6yr old boy, would it be totally unsafe for him? Or he can be a work in progress type of issue that can be dealt with in a short period of time? We really need a friend, family and a guard dog all in one.

  12. I just got my mastador from the spca yesterday. MOJO is 3mo old and great at potty on the pads!!!!! He is free to roam livingroom and kitchen for now, but i have to go to work tomorrow and i plan to gate him in the kitchen in a open create with pads .

  13. Great to see conversations about the Legendary Mastador. Mastadors by most of the Registries listed above is a Hybrid which means 50% of 2 Purebreds and the DNA of the Mastador 1st Generation = 50% English Mastiff (aka Mastiff) + 50% Labrador Retriever. The DNA of the F-2 (2nd Generation of Mastadors) = 100% Mastador X 100% Mastador. Reading the Registry info carefully, No other Mastivo Breed nor any other Retriever Breed is in the Mastador combo. Why does this matter? As Genetists, Long-term Breeder, Veterinarians, Dog Trainers, Registries, etc will say…it is important Bc each Purebred has its own Temperament and lifestyle accommodations, and when breeding them together, the % of each involved makes a remarkable and life changing difference in what traits the offspring have. Which makes a big difference, when deciding about bringing large and powerful 4-legged furry companions into our homes. Hope this helps!

  14. We also have a Bieber MN, mastador, she was housebroken in 2 days, sat in front of our mud room door to go out. We crated her only at night (do not believe in caging, why have a dog?) and now at almost 2 is a gem. She was the alpha female in a litter of 13, so a bit strong-willed for the first few months. Doggy daycare tired her out and socialized her with other people and dogs, made her easier to train. Now she listens well, a true joy!

  15. I’m picking up my MASTADOR today from a rescue shelter, she is 6 months old. All of your comments really helped, I’m really excited!!

  16. Just committed to a mastador and take delivery in a few weeks… all these comments help in what to expect. Will keep on reading on more tips on how to train him.

  17. I’m adopting a 2 year old female, Rose already knows sit should I worry about training her to go outside, also boundrie lines? I had a Sheltie (Shadow) that lived to 13years old, but I got him as a puppy and we would walk the property everytime he went out for 2 weeks, no problems after this. Is it possible at this age she can also learn? We have 3 acres of ground, and another 12 acres about 10 minutes away

  18. I pick up my 3 month old mastador on december 7th i couldn’t be more excited. I have 2 smaller children and a 3 month old kitten. I’m hoping he will grow to love her too. Thank you for all the advice it is great to see so many doing well I am planning on crate training him only for work hours 3 hours a day.


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