Best Flea Collar For Dogs (2023’s Top 5 Picks)

Looking for the best flea and tick collar for your dog in order to spare them the trouble and physical unfortunates of having to deal with these nasty little pests roaming their skin (and you having to pay hefty vet bills after what's done has been done)?

This list of our top recommended flea collar for dogs will let you in on the top 5 options in today's market.

Our List Of The Top 5 Best Flea And Tick Collar For Dogs - (Updated List For 2023)

Top Pick: Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar For Dogs
Pick #2: Virbac Preventic Tick Collar
Pick #3: Pet Gallo Flea & Tick Dog Collar
Pick #4: Zodiac Flea and Tick Collar For Dogs
Pick #5: Ultraguard Flea and Tick Dog Collar




Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar For Dogs
  • Kill fleas within 24 hours
  • Odorless and non-greasy
Virbac Preventic Tick Collar
  • Comes in two sizes
  • Aids in killing ticks 

Pet Gallo Flea & Tick Dog Collar
  • Water resistant
  • Pleasant aroma
Zodiac Flea and Tick Collar For Dogs
  • Water-resistant
  • Offers a great, long-lasting alternative
Ultraguard Flea and Tick Dog Collar
  • Lasts for 7 months
  • Water resistant with a fresh, clean scent

*Note: The links in the table above, as well as several links in the remainder of the article below, will take you to over to Chewy and Amazon where you can find out more information about the products, such as current prices and customer reviews.

Best Dog Flea Collar Review - A Closer Look Into Our #1 Top Choice

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar For Dogs

Longest Lasting On The Market: One of the most important criteria we're going to be talking about later on in this article as far as what you should be looking for in a dog tick and flea collar is durability, and this flea and tick collar from Bayer Seresto is the best there is in this department.

While other dog flea collars will last you a good 2 to 3 months at best before they start becoming ineffective in their fight against fleas invading your dog's skin, this collar has been proven time and time again to last upwards to a very impressive 8 months before you have to get a replacement.

So, as far as durability is concerned, it's very hard to find any dog flea collar out there that does it better than this one from Bayer Seresto.

Very Fast Results: Bayer Seresto have also done the best job among all dog tick and flea collars as far as instant results is concerned.

While it will require a little bit of time for the collar to start doing its work on your dog's skin and killing any present ticks/fleas that have already made a home for themselves there, the majority of dog owners report that they noticed drastic improvements in as little as a week's time.

Adequate Sizes For All Dogs: Whether you've got a small sized dog at home or a large sized dog, there's an option for everyone so they can get the perfect fit for their pooch.

Somewhat Waterproof: Even though this dog flea collar isn't specifically designed with complete waterproof properties, you can get away just fine with the occasional water contact that your dog experiences.

Bayer Seresto state that the effectiveness of this dog flea collar will remain the same (i.e it will still last you the full 8 months) even if your dog still has it on when they're given their monthly bath or take a dip in the swimming pool not more than once a month.

If you want to stick on the safe side, it's easy for you to just take the collar off whenever you want to give your dog a bath or take them for a dip in the water and then just put their collar back on when you're done.

Why Should I Invest In The Best Flea Collar For Dogs?

Here's a list of some of the most important reasons as to why you're going to want to invest in the best flea collar for dogs that money can buy for your precious Fido.

Physically Active Dogs Outside The House: If you've got a dog that's physically active, likes to roam around in different places outdoors and sometimes "stick their noses" places they shouldn't exactly be because they're curious beings that like to keep discovering, then a dog flea collar is a must have.

Do you have a garden full of different trees and plants that your dog often likes to roam free around?

Or is your dog the explorer kind that likes to come into contact with anything and everything while you're taking them out for a trip outside the house?

Since most dogs like to do the aforementioned and discover their surroundings and environments as much as possible, a flea collar for dogs is an excellent idea since you can never know whatever your dog is coming into contact with or wherever your dog is playing is a rich source of fleas and ticks that will have found themselves a brand new home.

Annoying Itchiness: One of the most common and annoying consequences that fleas and ticks bring along when they invade your dog's coat and make a home out of it is itches, and a whole lot of itches, might we add.

You'll notice soon enough that your dog is spending a large portion of their day doing nothing but scratching and licking away at various different parts of their body and coat, all that because of the fleas and ticks that made a home for themselves on your dog's skin.

Not only will this lead to your dog just not being happy because of the constant urge to scratch, this will also lead to make skin problems down the line (such as skin tags) and significant hair loss/visible bald spots.

If your dog scratches or licks away for a prolonged period of time at a certain part of their body that's itching them because of fleas and ticks, there's a high possibility that this area will be cut open, which adds the risk of various infections into the mix.

Life Risk: Not only are fleas and ticks very annoying for your dog to deal with throughout the day because of the constant itches they feel, fleas and ticks on dogs are also very dangerous and form a serious risk on their lives and well-being.

For those of you who might not know this, fleas and ticks that make a home out of your dog's skin may carry different diseases and illnesses with them that they then pass on to your dog.

Some of these illnesses and diseases can be mild and only give your dog something like diarrhea and/or a nasty case of vomiting for a day or two, while other illnesses that these ticks and fleas can pass on to your dog may very well be fatal to your dog and end their life.

Time Saver: For those of you with busy schedules and/or people who don't like to have to do recurring tasks but prefer a one-time approach to things instead, you'll find that a flea collar for dogs will be very convenient.

If you were to go down the route of applying topical solutions in order to eliminate your dog's fleas and ticks, then you'll have to set aside a certain amount of time on a regular, recurring basis in order to apply the solution on your dog's skin.

Some people just plain out hate having to do things like this more than once, others tend to forget and tend to miss important dosages (which ends up making this whole process useless), etc ..

A dog flea collar is a one-time approach to dealing with your dog's ticks and fleas, one that you won't have to address again except when the time comes to change the collar itself.

Stubborn Dogs: Anyone that has a stubborn dog at home knows first hand how difficult, sometimes even impossible it is to get them to take oral flea and tick medication on a frequent basis.

It seems as if you've exhausted every single method out there and helpful tip when it comes to giving your dog medication, you've even tried to hide it in their favorite snack/treat, but somehow your dog knows what's inside and refuses to swallow it.

If this sounds like the boat you're in right now, then having your dog wear a flea and tick collar for dogs is a much better alternative for you to consider.

What Should I Look For In The Best Flea Collar For Dogs?

When looking around for the best flea collar for dogs that you can get your hands on, there are a few criteria you should be aware about and should ideally be in any flea collar you want to get for your dog.

Comfort: First thing's first, any flea collar you get for your dog should be very comfortable for them to wear on a daily basis and for prolonged periods of time.

Get this part wrong and you're going to have a dog on your hands that does anything and everything within its power to get the collar off.

Plus, what dog owner would ever be happy about their pooch wearing something that makes them feel uncomfortable? Not one I know of, that's for sure.

A proper fit and proper placement around your dog's neck is also one of the most important criteria you should look for in a flea and tick dog collar because if the collar is too loose, there's always the possibility of your dog being able to chew on it and swallow all the toxic ingredients and insecticides meant to kill off fleas on their bodies, something you definitely do not want to happen as it will pose a serious risk on your dog's life.

So, aim for a collar that's not too loose around your dog's neck and not too tight at the same time, but one that establishes a perfect fit and balance between the two.

The manufacturers of the best flea collars for dogs will always produce different sized collars to cater to the needs of different sized dogs.

For example, our #1 pick above in the list of the best flea collars for dogs, the Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar, has two options for perfect fits - one for large sized dogs and one for small sized dogs.

Gas VS Insecticides: There are two forms of flea collars for dogs being manufactured and sold in today's market, one form of flea collars that relies on releasing gas in the air wherever your dog is located at the time in order to repel any fleas that may be thinking about making their way onto their skin, and another form of flea collars that relies on releasing insecticides directly on your dog's coat and skin in order to eradicate any ticks and fleas that may already be there, as well as eradicate any ticks and fleas that may make their way onto your dog's skin later on.

Waterproof?: You should look into the possibility of buying a waterproof dog flea collar for your dog if they love playing in the water and engaging in any kind of physical activities that involve water, most notable of which is swimming.

Unless the manufacturing company says so on the description page of their product and makes it clear that their dog flea collar is waterproof, then you shouldn't take your dog for a dip in the water if they're wearing their flea collar, or else you're going to have to search for a replacement collar right away.

Deciding between these two forms of dog flea collars is ultimately your choice.

Durability: The absolute best dog flea collars should last a fairly long time, at least 3 months at a time (our #1 pick in the list above lasts an impressive 6+ months).

If any dog flea collar stops working after a month or two and requires you to get a replacement because it's lost its effectiveness after such a short amount of time, then it's not worth your money.

When Is A Flea Collar For Dogs A Bad Idea?

Of course, and just like the case is with everything that's good in life, there are some times and situations where it's best avoided.

The following list discusses some of the most important situations where it's best that you avoid having your dog wear a flea collar, and that you seek professional medical help instead from a veterinarian.

  • If your dog is pregnant (There's a risk that the toxins/insecticides emitted by the flea collar make their way to the fetus)
  • If your dog is lactating/nursing (Again, there's a risk that the toxins/insecticides emitted by the flea collar make their way to the puppy through the mother's milk)
  • If you have a young puppy that's under the age of 3 months (unless the manufacturing company clearly states that the dog flea collar is suitable for use on puppies younger than 3 months of age)

When Should I Be Extra Careful With Having My Dog Wear A Flea Collar?

If you have young kids around the house that often play around and get in direct physical contact with your dog that's wearing a flea collar, since young kids aren't exactly aware about the dangers of the insecticides that are on the dog's skin, and can easily get in trouble if they touch their eyes or mouths after coming in direct contact with the dog's skin.

If you're always able to monitor any interaction that occurs between your kids and the dog(s), and are able to always wash their hands right before they get the chance to touch their eyes/mouths (or contaminate food in the fridge perhaps), then you've got nothing to worry about.


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