Dog Bike Trailer Reviews (2019’s Top 5 Picks)

Dog Bike Trailers

Calling all bike lovers out there – if you’re a biking addict that enjoys the outdoors and everything that comes along with it, and have always wished there was a way you could take your dog along with you on the bike, then look no further than one of these 5 best bike trailers for dogs we’re going to be talking about in this article.

Who ever said that you have to keep your dog at home when you want to enjoy this important activity in your life? Activities like this are meant to be shared with our little fellas!

Our Top 5 Best Dog Bike Trailer List – (Updated List For 2019)

Top Pick: Solvit HoundAbout Pet Bicycle TrailerPick #2: DoggyRide Mini Dog Bike TrailerPick #3: Aosom Elite Pet Bike CarrierPick #4: Best Choice Products 2 in 1 Pet Dog Bike TrailerPick #5: Burley Design Tail Wagon Bike Trailer




Solvit HoundAbout Pet Bicycle Trailer Solvit HoundAbout Pet Bicycle Trailer
  • ​Adjustable safety leash
  • 16-inch air-filled tires
DoggyRide Mini Dog Bike Trailer DoggyRide Mini Dog Bike Trailer
  • ​Best suited for dogs weighing 55 lbs or less
  • ​Made with high-quality materials
Aosom Elite Pet Bike Carrier Aosom Elite Pet Bike Carrier
  • ​Removable clear plastic cover for front door
  • Max Loading Weight: 66 lbs
Best Choice Products 2 in 1 Pet Dog Bike Trailer Best Choice Products 2 in 1 Pet Dog Bike Trailer
  • ​Supports up to 66 lbs
  • 2-in-1 bug-screen
Burley Design Tail Wagon Bike Trailer Burley Design Tail Wagon Bike Trailer
  • ​75 lb. carrying capacity
  • 16-inch quick-release alloy wheels

*Note: The links in the table above, as well as several links in the remainder of the article below, will take you to over to where you can find out more information about the products, such as current prices and customer reviews.

Dog Bike Trailer Reviews – (5 Best Bike Trailers For Dogs)

Pick #1 – Solvit HoundAbout Pet Bicycle Trailer

Solvit HoundAbout Pet Bicycle Trailer

Wide Variety Of Sizes: Solvit have different size options you can go with depending on what kind of dog you have at home, how much they weigh and how tall they are, ranging from options that supports dogs that weigh up to 50 pounds to options that support dogs that weigh up to a whopping 110 pounds.

Useful Pockets: On either side of this dog bike trailer, you’ll find very useful pockets which you can make very good use of if you want to bring along any of your dog’s accessories on the road and you don’t have anywhere to put them. Whether it’s your dog’s leash, some treats you want to give them on a short break on the road, or a water bottle of theirs you want to bring along, these pockets are a very nice addition to the product.

Feels Very Light: Even when going on long trips that require you to tow your dog in their trailer for a long time in one stretch, you won’t feel extra pressure and weight that other dog bike trailers will have you feel, because this trailer is made from some of the most lightweight material you’ll come across. Make no mistake about it though, this may be lightweight material, but it’s very high quality and durable as well.

Spacious & Comfortable Inside: When it comes to having adequate space inside and creating a very comfortable environment for dogs to spend time in, Solvit have mastered this and have done an excellent job in this department with this dog bike trailer. A soft and waterproof cushion has been included inside for extra comfort, something many dog owners have noticed makes their dogs love being inside.

Pick #2 – DoggyRide Mini Dog Bike Trailer

DoggyRide Mini Dog Bike Trailer

Best Dog Bike Trailer For Small Dogs: Our #1 pick above is the best dog bike trailer for medium sized dogs and large sized dogs, while this dog bike trailer from DoggyRide was specifically designed for small sized dogs to fit in perfectly inside.

Very Easily Foldable: If you’re fed up from complicated folding mechanisms you may have experienced with other low-quality dog bike trailers before, this one has one of the easiest folding mechanisms you’ll ever come across in a similar product. All you have to do is release a single pin and the trailer will fold itself by itself.

No need to be both a rocket scientist and a mechanical engineer to get this done, which seems to be the requirement with other dog bike trailers nowadays.

Safety Features: Since safety is an absolutely critical issue with dog bike trailers, DoggyRide have got it right with this one. During the ride out with your dog, you’ll be able to make use of an interior leash and an interior leash hook to make sure your dog remains safely tucked at all times.

Anti-Rain: So what do you do if you want to go out biking with your dog towed along with you and it starts raining? You can either go into panic mode and try to get home as fast as possible before your dog becomes soaked wet, or you can invest in this dog bike trailer that has rain-screens you can easily roll down on the “windows” in order to prevent water from making its way inside.

Pick #3 – Aosom Elite Pet Bike Carrier

Aosom Elite Pet Bike Carrier

Very Easy Entrance & Exit: Ever invested in a dog bike carrier before and regretted it once you figured out how difficult it is for your dog to make its way inside when you want to go on a trip and get outside when you’re back home and the trip is over? Not fun at all, is it? Especially for your dog, they’ll soon start to hate the trailer and everything that comes with it. Aosom have done an incredible job with the design of this trailer as far as this issue is concerned, and have made it as easy as possible for your dog to make its way inside and outside via a dual-entry mechanism with front and backdoor options.

Multiple Dogs At Once: If you have multiple dogs at home that you would like to take along with you on your biking trip inside one dog bike trailer simultaneously, you’ll be happy to learn that many dog owners have reported that they managed to fit in two small sized dogs at once inside, with both remaining very comfortable and having enough space to move around inside. This will only work out with small breed dogs, however, don’t even think about trying this with two medium sized dogs.

Pick #4 – Best Choice Products 2 in 1 Pet Dog Bike Trailer

Best Choice Products 2 in 1 Pet Dog Bike Trailer

Turns Into A Stroller: Many dog owners specifically look for dog bike trailers that have the ability of being used as strollers when you aren’t looking to take your dog out with you on a biking ride and don’t want to have to buy a dedicated stroller in addition to a trailer.

This dog trailer from Best Choice Products gives you this ability, so you should seriously consider it if a dog bike trailer that turns into a stroller is your top priority.

Excellent Stability: Thanks to its large and thick tires, as well as a built in suspension system this dog bike trailer comes in, you get a product that gives you added stability on the road that many dog owners consider a top priority.

After all, the last thing you want happening is you towing your dog behind you on a trailer that can barely stay on two wheels without falling off and putting your dog’s safety at huge risk.

Why Should I Invest In A Bicycle Trailer For My Dog?

So, why exactly should you look into getting one of these best bike trailers for your dog?

In case you were sitting on the fence about this for any possible reason, here are some of the most important advantages investing in the best bicycle trailer will give you and your dog.

Physical Problems

Many dog owners love to go out biking and have their dog jog on the way next to them in order to give them the daily physical exercise outlet they need, as well as give them a breath of fresh air and a change of scenery from the indoors all day long.

However, this isn’t really an option for dog owners with dogs at home that have certain physical problems that prevent them from moving as freely as other dogs.


For example, you may have a dog that’s recently been operated on and is now in their post-surgery recovery phase where any physical activity they can get is severely limited.

Or, perhaps you have a senior dog at home suffering from problems such as arthritis and/or hip & elbow dysplasia, both of which greatly limit their ability to move around as freely and as comfortably as other dogs without these problems.

In such a case, why should you be stuck with having to keep your dog at home and deny them the joy they get with such outdoor activities and change of scenery?

A dog bike trailer gives you the ability to have your dog safely attached to your bike and ride along with you on your outdoors journey, without having to exert any kind of physical effort at all.

Not Just For Dogs

A dog bike trailer isn’t only made for dogs, you can take advantage of it if you’ve got other pets at home (such as cats) and have any of them tag along by being safely placed inside one of these things.

What Criteria Makes The Best Dog Bike Trailers?

No matter what you’re looking for in a dog bike trailer, there are specific features that must be present in them in order for them to be classified as the best dog bike trailers, or else you’ll just be wasting your money on something not entirely worth it.

The following list of criteria is what you should be looking for in the ideal and best pet trailer.

Weight Capacity

Before you look at anything else when it comes to any dog bike trailer out there on the market, the first thing you should have a look at is how much weight it can support.

I can’t stress it enough how important it is to make sure of this, since you won’t believe how many returns that dog bike trailer manufacturing companies experience simply because a customer purchased one from them without entirely making sure that their dog can fit in properly and that it can sustain their weight.

You never want to put your dog in a dog bike trailer that can’t support their weight, since there’s a huge risk of it falling apart and seriously injuring your dog in the process.

Weight Of The Dog Bike Trailer

When speaking about weight during this purchasing process, it’s also advisable that you go with a dog bike trailer that doesn’t weigh too heavy.

If you choose a dog bike trailer that weighs too heavy in and of itself, between its weight and the weight of your dog, you’re not going to have much of an easy time biking with your dog attached to you.

Puppy in Yellow

It’s rather going to prove to be a physically hard task that many just can’t enjoy doing, and this beats the entire purpose of getting a dog bike trailer in the first place.

Some dog owners who make the mistake of buying very heavy dog bike trailers end up having their dogs get out of the trailer and jog along with them at times, simply because the weight and physical pressure gets too much for them to handle and they need a break for a bit – something the best dog bike trailer won’t have you facing.

The manufacturers of the best dog bike trailers will have taken this into careful consideration and will have their trailers made from lightweight materials that are still very high in quality.

Proper Size

Right after you make sure that the dog bike trailer you’re thinking of buying is able to support your dog’s weight, you have to make sure that its size measurements match with those of your dog.

The manufacturer will clearly state the interior space dimensions for each of their makes in a clear chart, and it’s up to you to measure your dog and make sure that the measurements match and that they’ll be able to fit in comfortably inside.

The manufacturers of the best dog bike trailers will provide you with a step by step graphic that explains how to measure your dog as accurately as possible, so any hard guessing work is taken out of the equation for you.

If you fail to do this step properly, you risk getting a dog bike trailer where you’re dog will have to be squeezed inside in order to fit in properly, one that they’ll do all they can to get out of and not get into ever again.

Ease Of Storage, Setting Up And Folding

The best dog bike trailer will give you the ability to fold them, whenever you don’t want to make use of them, into something that takes up very little space in storage and can easily be transported from one place to another.

You may be required to remove certain parts of the dog bike trailer first before you’re able to fold it and store it away, but the key point here is how fast this operation can be done and how easy it is to be done.

Yawning dog

If a dog bike trailer will require you to spend 10 minutes removing parts before you can fold it and store it away somewhere it takes up negligible space, then it’s not among the best products on the market as there are other options that make this ordeal a much easier one.

On the other hand, if a dog bike trailer will take you something like less than a minute to uninstall and fold away, then that’s what we like to see.

For that matter, the same holds true as far as assembling the dog bike trailer is concerned.

Dog bike trailers that take you a long time and effort, both physically and mentally, to figure out how to set this thing up for use aren’t what we’re looking for, as there are options on the market that make it as easy and simple a job for customers to set it up for use in no time.

Safety Features

For any dog bike trailer on the market to be labeled as the best dog bike trailer, it must have the best of the best safety features to go along with it.

I don’t care how many impressive features a dog bike trailer has or how good it looks on the outside, if it doesn’t boast impressive safety features that will keep my dog safe from harm’s way on the road in case of any unexpected accidents, then I’m not getting my dog anywhere near it.

If you decided to invest in any one of the dog bike trailers mentioned in our list above, you can rest assured that we’ve only handpicked ones that boast of the most impressive and effective safety features on the market.


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